About us
JTS is dedicated to providing quality tennis tuition for all ages and abilities starting at the age of 5 years.
Our Story
JTS is dedicated to providing quality tennis tuition for all ages and abilities starting at the age of 5 years. JTS staff pride themselves on offering exceptional customer service, excellent tuition on court and attention to detail in all aspects of the tennis school.
Owned by Steve Jarrett who has a proven track record for producing players, mentoring coaches and developing successful programmes throughout Kent. JTS is based at St John’s LTC (next to the Masonic Hall)
Our Story

Our Programs
Morning and evening weekday term time courses and weekly drop in Pay & Play coach led sessions from beginner to advance. All sessions are 1 to 1½ hours on 2 courts with 8-1 player to coach ratio. JTS also run Cardio tennis.
The junior programme offers a three tier system which caters for beginners, intermediate and advanced players from the ages of 5-17 years. In addition, JTS also offer a popular holiday programme.
We work with local schools and offer Tennis Coaching to pupils. Tennis helps support children to lead happy and healthy lifestyles and we enjoy going into schools to teach tennis.